So why do you need a mental health Guide with Ketamine? A game changer!

It all begins with curiosity and investigation of your why! Today is the day to ask yourself why, why are you seeking Ketamine and what are your expectations? Have you had therapy in your past? Have you tried medications? Did you ever feel you did not make progress because it was perhaps the Therapist’s fault? Have you had an honest conversation with a trained behavioral health provider to learn why it is vitally important to prepare yourself emotionally for what is ahead? Ketamine is the key to the lock called, “Your work.” It will involve peeling back multiple layers of your conditioned self and becoming curious to seek an understanding of all that is within and beginning a process of refinement, whittling away all that is no longer needed while learning to invite all that is. Ketamine in and of itself is extremely useful and helpful neurochemically, fertilizing your brain and proven to enhance how the parts of your brain communicate! It is so amazing because it primes the pump so to speak so that psychological work can now become malleable where prior it may have hit roadblocks.

Honoring the sanctity and mystical power with this soul medicine will lead you to get in touch with your altered consciousness, and that is often where the answers you seek, will be found. Because of this, a client may experience many emotions, some such as fear, joy, sadness, guilt, grief, anger or regret for instance and needs appropriate preparation and grounding for what will be brought up and forwarded into everyday consciousness. Ketamine is meant to be utilized in the ways it honors its indigenous and shamanistic vision quest roots as it leads to deep spiritual, mystical and emotional work. It is a priority to keep you psychologically safe and have time to discuss, process, explore, question and reflect upon each journey you experience. It is in your overall best interest to have a team around you, each bringing unique skill sets giving you the best care. Often, during infusions, a client may find the need to talk, cry, ask for a hand to be held, and express difficult memories, as we all are only as sick as our secrets. This requires emotional support while honoring your story, your truth, your life and you! Every client deserves undivided, uninterrupted time and to not feel rushed or abandoned during a session. With a mental health provider, you are guaranteed to have undivided attention with time given prior, during and after an infusion, so that you are appropriately and adequately supported while doing some of the hardest emotional work of your life.

Statistically, clients who engage in behavioral health support fare much better, face resistance or obstacles easier, have higher success rates and find symptoms remit faster and stay resolved with this type of modality versus having ketamine alone. The majority report symptoms decrease significantly from the beginning of sessions until discharge. It is imperative for clients during infusions to become emotionally opened getting around defense mechanisms with the help of Ketamine but also regulated with the support of a trained guide so as not to flood, opening up unrestricted trauma networks at once and then left to leave the infusion without grounding techniques or being dysregulated due to having too much too soon come up, leaving potentially overwhelmed. Each person, each story, each path is different and there is no right or wrong way, but rather a best practice philosophy so that you get the very most out of your investment to heal. There are numerous articles online about why the trained mental health provider is of utmost importance and supports how it becomes the ultimate game changer. Give it a try and together we will subordinate to the path where Ketamine will lead and as a team we will trust the process.